Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26th, 2012

Today was relatively boring. In terms of cooking at least. I had guest the whole day today, and mum cooked. She didn't want me to experiment :/

But i cooked still. I made the dip for the starter, with was chip 'n' dip. And i also made the dessert. Fruit cream. Both the things turned out to be pretty cool actually.

I made a hung curd and garlic dip. I the healthiest dip ever. And brilliantly easy. And it takes about 10 minutes to make it. Since the guests turned up before time, i had no time to hang the curd. So, i just poured it into a muslin cloth and squeezed out the excess water. I use this method ONLY if there's an emergency. Usually the dip isn't very thick if this methods used. OBVIOUSLY.

The desserts too easy to even talk about. It's just cut fruits and sweetened cream. Bleh

TOMORROW: Something complicated, something new.

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