Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Whatta brilliant day!

Pure bliss today. So satisfying. So much happiness. Now I know how much I love doing this. So much love. for cooking, for baking. For food.
I made Mocha cupcakes today. With chocolate ganache. They turned out to be pretty brilliant. And I also made pasta for my brother!

These are the mocha cupcakes fresh out of the oven.

The chocolate ganache. (The best part is when you get to lick the leftovers)

I think this is the best pasta I've ever made.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Breakfast love.

I love a big breakfast. Mostly it's the unhealthy kinds that i prefer, but since i'm trying to lose weight now, i'm exploring my options.

This was my breakfast today..

(editing credits: Ishita Singh. Photography credits: Bad phone camera)

I don't know what to call it, though. It's technically a vegetable sandwich, but it's open. It's like a bruschetta with a twist. I'm not too big on tomatoes, so.
I shall call it, The Breakfast of the Day.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26th, 2012

Today was relatively boring. In terms of cooking at least. I had guest the whole day today, and mum cooked. She didn't want me to experiment :/

But i cooked still. I made the dip for the starter, with was chip 'n' dip. And i also made the dessert. Fruit cream. Both the things turned out to be pretty cool actually.

I made a hung curd and garlic dip. I the healthiest dip ever. And brilliantly easy. And it takes about 10 minutes to make it. Since the guests turned up before time, i had no time to hang the curd. So, i just poured it into a muslin cloth and squeezed out the excess water. I use this method ONLY if there's an emergency. Usually the dip isn't very thick if this methods used. OBVIOUSLY.

The desserts too easy to even talk about. It's just cut fruits and sweetened cream. Bleh

TOMORROW: Something complicated, something new.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The tragedy called life.

Such a pathetic start to the day. I woke up to the sound of my neighbor crying. When i went to my living room, i got to know that my favorite old-uncle died in his sleep.

Baba. That's what i called him. He was awesome. I always saw him smiling. He was a brilliant person. I'm glad his death wasn't hard on him.

I'm mourning today. No cooking today. This day is a tribute to the most brilliant and my favorite old-uncle. Baba.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The has-been's.

Lemon and basil grilled chicken with strawberry sauce.

Vanilla cupcakes with royal icing and pretty stuff. haha.

chocolate-chip muffin.

chocolate-chip muffin with whipped cream.

chocolate pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream.

Vegetarian Dumplings.

WOOHOO! Done. They look nice. Taste nice too. YAYAYAY!
I made the dumpling wrappers at home too!
The done form.

The uncooked form.

This is the filling. Carrots, green onions, cabbage, coriander, a bit of ginger and garlic and just a bit of seasoning.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 23rd, 2012

Today's task : Dumplings.


I made pastry dough yesterday. Pretty good actually. I tried making croissants out of it. THAT was a major fail. Not major. Just, well, fail. They were too crispy. I know my mistake now though. But the layers were pretty brilliant!!

Anyhow, since this is going to be my food blog, I have to change the name. I'm thinking of calling it 'The Food Diaries'.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Epiphany.

I love cooking. Baking. I could keep doing this forever. This is what i realized at 4am on a Wednesday morning when i was waiting for the oven to making that amazing ringing sound. The kind that means 'victory'. While i was taking out the last batch of the 97 cupcakes that i'd been making for the last 6-7 hours, I thought to myself "i finished it". It was the first time i'd finished doing ANYTHING. Anything. The first time that i didn't wanna say "sigh, I'm bored now". And it was the most wonderful feeling. The feeling that i want again.

While the whole baking-waiting was going on, I was watching Julie & Julia. Which was very apt by the way. That's when i started thinking. That's when i started realizing. And here I am. Blogging about food. Blogging about the most precious gift i have. The talent i have. The love i have, which has been realized pretty recently actually. Two years back, I liked baking. I liked cooking. And now, there's nothing else i wanna do. Thank you, the brave almighty. For the brilliant realization.

First task: French cooking.