Friday, November 25, 2011

Same-ness shockers.

This is about the gazillionth time I’m TRYING to write this post and yet again, I don’t know how to start. Everything I write just sounds like an understatement. It’s a special post, yes. And I want it to be BRILLIANT.

It’s about this dude I’ve NEVER met. It all started 5 months back. Well, maybe before that. My best friend, Kazo, came back from Bangalore in 2009. That’s when we actually became best friends. She’d gone to Bangalore for a year and there, in her school, was this spaz. Deep. Who later fell in love with her (OH THANK GOD). Since he fell in love with her, they would talk endlessly and my best friend would narrate all these funny incidents or the funny things he would say. And since I have a habit of befriending everybody I come across (:/), we started talking too, 5 months back.

Kazo told us that we were similar, but HOW similar, we discovered later. All we knew was that we were both spaz but, we already knew people who were super spaz so it wasn’t really a shocker. Then we started talking and SHIT happened. Good shit. He was a male version of me. Like EXACTLY the same. When we started narrating our stories, incidents, special moments, we realized we’ve been living the same lives. We’ve even had the same life threatening incidents. When we were both six, both of us almost drowned. We’ve had the same type of friends all our life. We’ve had the same phases at the same time. Hell we’re even scared of the same creature.

It’s so easy to talk to him. With him, I don’t have to be ashamed of ANTHING. Why? Because I just assume that he’s been through the exact same situation sometime in his life. And he has. Our conversations are mostly filled with ‘I know’, ‘me too’ or ‘dude, same’. It’s been five months of I know’s, me too’s and dude, same’s and we still have difficulty accepting it. We haven’t found even one difference. Wait, we found one. He loves mangoes and I just like mangoes (:|).

We’re both so detective-y and we like answers. But we still haven’t figured this one out. We will, soon enough. And we’ll meet too, soon enough. So that it becomes a little less weird for a third person when we describe the kind of relationship we have.

It still sounds like an understatement.