Friday, November 18, 2011

Tests. Or really.

I feel like writing a lot these days. Mostly cause exams are coming up and I don’t feel like studying. I never feel like studying. It’s gig season. Competition season. The exciting season. The best season. AND I HAVE EXAMS DURING THE BEST MONTH EVER. I can’t even go for THUNDER.
[THUNDER: Years most important music competition ever. Schools from all over Delhi and Noida take part. If you win Thunder, you’re god. DPS RKP has been god for a while now]

A very good friend of mine is playing at Café de Rock right now. And I can’t go. Sigh. I’ve only gone for one gig. EVER. And my brother had to chaperone me. ALSO, Imogen Heap’s playing at Hard Rock Café on 22nd. I CAN’T EVEN GO FOR THAT! Bleh. Such is life.

It’s my birthday in 45 days. I don’t know why I’m excited. It’ll mark the ending of my teenage life. I feel old. Not any more responsible though. I have these crazy ideas that I've tried putting on paper. But then I just get too bored, or my excitement dies. Momentary excitement/motivation scares me sometimes. One minute I’m this super-intellectual-geek who’ll probably get into London School of Business with a full scholarship (I don’t think they do that though :/) and the next second I’m this lazy-useless-good for nothing kind of person who cannot and will not achieve anything in life. Or have a decent career. Ever. Mostly the second one. I don’t know why. When I know my goal and how hard it is to achieve, I have no clue what comes in between.

Anyhow, back to my birthday. Yeah. It’s usually the worst day of the year (valentines comes next), cause of the amount of expectations I have. I’m just silly with these special days. I keep on hoping for something supernaturally awesome to happen. But, it never does. And then, I end up weeping like a lost piggy. Not really, I’m just saying.

Sigh. I hope 2012’s better than ever.

PS.: Birthday wish list coming soon.

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