Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sucha Capricorn.

3rd January '93. Capricorn. Ruined me for life. Made me a typical perfectionist, naturalist and a highly creative person. Arrogant, greedy and needy too. Increased my expectations from myself and the people around me to levels unreachable. Some people, incidents, situations, sayings change one for life. The year 2011 has been such for me. Every time realization came to me, I started questioning, ignoring and believing at the same time. Questioning myself, my past. Ignoring special people. Believing in myself. I really thought I was an independent woman who didn't feel deprived of people around her. Thought I was a socialite, who had thousands of people around her, to not be dependent on any one person for life. Thought I could make it by being friends with everyone. Never realized how needy these traits made me.

Funny, life is. Always teaches you the harsh way.

Anyhow, this blog shall be an attempt to get sorted. And To stop trying so hard. And to keep reminding myself, 'This too, shall pass'.

So long.

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